Presented by:
Deden Suryanto, M.Pd
Lesson Study Facilitator in SMK Negeri 1 Subang
Presented by:
Deden Suryanto, M.Pd
Lesson Study Facilitator in SMK Negeri 1 Subang
Lesson Study has been running since
2010 at SMK Negeri 1 Subang.
During the implementation of lesson
study, there are positive
impacts and it’s so significant to improve the teacher professionalization,
increaseing and improvement of pedagogical presentation of the learning process in the classroom. Some of the positive
influence that
: the teachers (100%) stated that the Lesson study was a concrete efforts to made some improving in the teaching and learning quality, Lesson study has provided many benefits for an increase in teachers' creativity in managing teaching and learning in the classroom, 100%
of teachers stated that Lesson study has
provided increased knowledge about the learning that can be used by teachers in teaching
and 100% of
teachers stated that lesson study has provided an increase in the quality of teachers prepared lesson
plans before teaching.
For the learning process in
the classroom, the positive
effect are : Lesson study is a fun activity for the students was 96.67%, materials
87% can be easily
to understood, observer presence
of teachers in the classroom
does not interfere as much as 56%, the
rest was disturbed 44 % and the teacher
is able to motivate the students to
learn 92%
In addition to the positive effect above, there are also negative
influences or constraints encountered in the implementation of Lesson Study. These constraints include: Time to teach
the teacher interrupted the Lesson Study activities (100%), meaning and
value in order of Lesson Study activities have not touched on aspects of
the activities that are meaningful and
important to the development of teacher professionalization. Even teachers eventually
get bored with the lesson study activities.
There are several factors causing bottlenecks in the implementation of Lesson Study and the
emergence of boredom for teachers
in its implementation. These factors
include the technical implementation
of lesson study is conducted on the same
day and hour,
so that teachers feel
aggrieved because their teaching hours uninterrupted.
Another factor is the quality factor of an
observer who is always focused on the same
thing every observing
in open class, the teacher eventually get bored because
that was found the same thing every activity in open class.
Solutions for improving the quality and sustainability of lesson study is the presence of a teacher giving an understanding to the observer on the
level of reflection that is consistently delivered every implementation of lesson study. If the observer
continuously reminded of their duties and functions as well as given the challenges associated
with the quality levels
of reflection, then the result will be increased (meeting 1 the result of level 4 show : 0,00%, meeting 2 ; its
increase to 2,86% and meeting 3 : its increase to 14,29%). So the implementations
of lesson study more qualified and
meaningful to teachers. In the end, the teacher felt the need for the
implementation of lesson study.
With the increase in the assumed implementation of lesson study will continue
getting quality and
continuity will be
maintained, given the observer
teacher already discovered
the benefits and values in order of execution
of lesson study.
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